Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's Been a Very Long Winter

While I wait for my flash guy to finish my website, I decided to get my fix for Spring and ignore the snow outside. So I planned my garden for this coming season, bought and organized my seeds and organized my overstuffed Garden Binder.

Did I mention that I'm a tad bit crazy about gardening? And you didn't believe me.


  1. I wish I knew how to garden! I just bought a parsley plant at the store yesterday and it's all ready drooping like a broken umbrella. How on Earth (literally) am I going to do justice to my new patio this summer????

  2. Wow... This looks very organized.. and inspiring! I just started seeds fo my first garden ever. I found you via YouGrowGirl. I'll try to check back to see more lovely photos of your 2009 garden.

    Happy gardening!


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