Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Loving Your Compost (too much?)

My compost pile loves Autumn! It's the pile's last solid meal of the year. 
So I'm a little crazy when it comes to my garden. I know this. And I know that it's strange to consider your compost pile to be your third child. But I have a few tips to offer up if you're serious about composting. (I'm laughing that I'm doing this post.)
1) First off, steal your neighbors leaves in the fall. Make sure they're bagged already. Less work for you. 
2) Don't take the first or last bags that you see. Wait for leaves to fall, but don't wait too long or you'll get wet leaves, mud, garbage, and just plain gunk.
3) Stalk trees in the neighborhood. I scout out the best trees in my neighborhood (yes, really, I do). If a yard has a big beautiful tree full of wonderful leaves then go back to that yard and take those bags. If there's a house without trees in the yard and they have 20 bags out front on collection day, be hesitant! What could possibly be in those bags? 
4) Don't take heavy bags. Big red flag. People might hide trash or rocks in the bag. Good, dry leaves are light, light, light.
5) Watch the weather forecast! You want dry leaves so grab bags before it rains or a few days after it rains. 
6) Store the bags in your shed or garage thru the winter so you can use them in spring and summer when "browns" are hard to come by.
7) Before adding them to your pile, dump a bag on your lawn and mow over them. They'll break down much quicker.
This year I think I stashed about 17 bags in my garage. Some women hoard shoes, I hoard dead leaves. 

(our japanese red maple)

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