Monday, July 28, 2014

Camp Woodchuck

I can't resist sharing a few pics from a birthday party I put together for my seven year old son last weekend. We let him have 3 friends and his brother sleep over in a tent in our backyard (with my husband sleeping in a tent next to theirs and yes, I slept soundly in the air-conditioned house). 
We had a S'mores Hunt to begin the night (scavenger hunt for the ingredients) and a Catching Sparks game (catching cheese balls on your head, thank you Family Fun magazine for that idea!). There was Grub Mix (trail mix), Kindling (pretzel sticks), Doo-Doo bars (chocolate-covered granola bars), a campfire birthday cake and of course, Bug Juice, which my son begged me not to make and not to give to his friends. I had the little guy convinced I was going to squeeze bugs for the party. I'm a terrible mother! 
Now the name. We named it Camp Woodchuck because in the few days leading up to the party we had to catch and relocate an entire family of adorable yet seriously greedy and hungry woodchucks in our garden! My seven year old loved the name so it stuck.  
And I think I had as much fun organizing this party as the boys did experiencing it! The best part for the boys was probably the Doo-Doo bars! 
Happy Camping everyone! 

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