Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Plant a seed. Watch yourself grow.

Six years ago we bought a house in the city with a huge yard. It was a yard — not a garden. To me, there's a magnificent difference between the two. A yard is something you mow. A garden is a journey—it's something you respect and love—it's a compost pile you care for because you know it will grow healthy vegetables which in turn, feed your children; it's a single chair nestled into the farthest corner so you can look back and smile at her one minute before the sun is totally gone for the night; it's the roses' scratchmarks on your arms and the dirt engraved in your knees for life; it's the complete joy of watching snakes wiggle across the grass, frogs sneak in under the privet, butterflies dance just outside the window, wrens raising a family in the dead tree you swear to never cut down; and of course, it's the sweetness of the first tiny piece of candy of the season - a cherry tomato. 
Before March 2005 I was not a gardener. Every plant I owned died. I didn't know the difference between an annual and a perennial. I didn't know the definition of "full sun." I just woke up one morning and decided to plant some seeds with small hopes of transforming a yard—instead the yard transformed a girl.
This is my journey. A work in progress.  (follow this link to my garden on flickr)
Happy Spring everyone! 
Plant a seed.

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