Monday, February 1, 2010

If you want to be a great kids shooter, then I highly recommend popping out a couple kids of your own. Really. Kids change how you see the entire world and they will inspire every step into it. My work has grown into a completely different animal in the past couple years, an animal I feel totally in sync with. And I've never been so connected to my work and so focused.    
(and if you don't have kids or aren't planning on having any then steal your friends' — the more kids you spend your free time with the better the kids photographer you'll be)
(2¢ post series is me offering up my mostly useless, sometimes helpful photo tips. enjoy!)


  1. Do you have any idea where someone might purchase some discount Viagra?

  2. ha ha, very funny. I changed my password so no more spamming on my blog. :)


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